Origin: Risaralda, Colombia.
Variety: Caturra.
Process: Culturing.
Altitude: 1750 m.a.s.l.
Score: 89.50 points.

Quintal No. 8 - JAN ‘22

Innovative processes in coffee are difficult to execute. They require copious amount of testing and perfecting because there aren’t guidelines yet about what is right and what is wrong. This month’s coffee is about enjoying something at the forefront of the industry; the culturing processing method.

Coffee grower Julio Madrid has really become an expert on this matter. The culturing process uses fermenting initiators derived from local plants and fruits; in the case of this coffee, several types of wild passionfruit varieties are used to arrive at unique notes and amazing flavors that could only be found in one of the most biodiverse regions on earth.

Notes of strawberry and wild passionfruit, known as “maypop,” are overlapped by an elegant chocolate background. The complex yet comforting qualities of this coffee made it the obvious choice to start the year on a different note.

Roasted by Andres Quiceno, Q Grader,
in Risaralda, Colombia.