Origin: Risaralda, Colombia
Variety: Caturra.
Process: Honey.
Altitude: 1750 m.a.s.l.
Score: 86.00 points.

Quintal No. 5 - OCT 2021

The honey process is one of our favorite coffee processing methods–it creates balance between earthiness and fruitiness that is pleasant in any cup. At Finca la Riviera in Risaralda, Colombia, they know how good honey-processed coffee is prepared. If you have never chewed on a sugar cane stick before try focusing on the combination of sweetness and citric notes in this coffee and you will know exactly what sugarcane tastes like. The soil in La Riviera give the coffee notes to dark chocolate and citrus similar to white wine. After the coffee has been processed with the honey method, these dark chocolate and white wine notes turn sweeter and form a delicious sugarcane profile. The result is an enjoyable and multidimensional cup only mother nature could give us: sweet, acidic, nutty, all at the same time.

Roasted by Andres Quiceno, Q Grader, in Risaralda, Colombia.