Origin: Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Variety: Yellow Catuai.
Process: Natural.
Altitude: 1300 m.a.s.l.
Harvest: June 2022

QUINTAL NO. 16 - SEP ‘22

As the year progresses and the harvesting season in Latin America travels south, so do we bringing you the latest and freshest coffees directly from producing countries. With Quintal No. 16 we are introducing Brazil–where the harvesting season is currently ongoing. Brazil is the world's leading coffee exporter and grower with around one third of the world’s marketshare.

We selected a Natural process from Minas Gerais. Unlike in most producing countries, natural processed coffee in Brazil is more popular than washed coffee. Naturals are so important in fact, that they have their own category in the Cup of Excellence competition.

BRA Cafe produced this coffee at Fazenda Coqueiro farm where they have been mastering the process since 1977. Harvested just three months ago and roasted at the country of Origin, this coffee exudes a caramel aroma with red apple and plum that surprised us right from the first interaction.

Roasted by Antônio Gabriel de Castro Pereira, in São Paulo, Brazil