Origin: Huhuetenango, Guatemala.
Variety: Bourbon.
Process: Washed and sun dried.
Altitude: 1800 m.a.s.l.
Score: 86.50 points.
Harvest: March 2022

Quintal No. 14 - JUL ‘22

Huehuetenango's coffee is amongst the most distinguished in Guatemala. At Huehue’s high altitude, coffee is able to grow in an atmosphere where it can develop great to amazing flavors. El Paraiso farm is located in this famous region, right at the highland of Huhuetenango at 1800 m.a.s.l.

Urisar de Leon has been working for over 20 years in El Paraiso. He is a third generation farmer, who alongside his community, has been improving the quality of their coffee by understanding better how to process after harvesting in the best possible way.

If we had to describe this coffee with two words it would be complex and exemplary. Pay particular attention to the floral aroma and clean aftertaste distinctive of the Huehue region. With Guatemala’s coffee currently in season, we could not pass on this characteristic coffee with fruity, nutty flavors–all on a chocolate note background.

Roasted by Renato Maselli, SCA Professional Coffee Roaster, in Ciudad de Guatemala