Origin: Mataquescuintla, Guatemala.
Variety: Catuai.
Process: Natural.
Altitude: 1400-2000 m.a.s.l.
Score: 86.00 points.
Harvest: April 2022

Quintal No. 13 - JUN ‘22

Over the past year, Quintal Subscription has taken on a journey across varieties, countries, aromas, and profiles. For our one year anniversary edition, we wanted to go back to where it started: we present an astonishing coffee roasted at Origin by Raul Rodas, World Barista Champion 2012.

We were looking for a coffee with the vibrancy and complexity typical of our offering. Based on the criteria, we decided for a natural processed coffee with highlighted sweetness and complex acidity.

With placements in previous Cup of Excellence competitions, we found El Morito–located in Mataquescuintla, Guatemala. The Catuai variety cherries for this coffee were selected from the highest elevation in the farm and in peak ripeness. The cherries are dried for 5 days under the sun and 10 more days under the shadow. The result is a coffee with mandarin, sugar cane flavors, and a strawberry-like aftertaste.

Roasted by Raul Rodas, World Barista Champion,
in Guatemala City, Guatemala.