March ‘24 Edition


Paola Trujillo • Finca Patio Bonito • Cauca, Colombia

Origin: Cauca, Colombia.
Harvest: January 2024.
Variety: Colombia.
Process: Washed.
Altitude: 1570 m.a.s.l.

Enjoy expertly picked coffee: caramel and brown sugar notes.

Once a specialty coffee grader, Paola Trujillo now shines as a young coffee grower in Pescador, Cauca while carrying on her parents' legacy with an expert eye for quality. This month, we’re excited to share her coffee, carefully chosen for its standout flavors. Enjoy the clear notes of brown sugar and caramel, complemented by citric fruits and a hint of hazelnut, all leading to a smooth caramel finish. Paola’s transition to growing allows her to handpick the most delicious lots, ensuring each cup captures the dedication of her family and her fresh approach to coffee.

Roasted by Deiner Rodriguez in Cali, Colombia.