December ‘23 Edition


Robinson Rivera • La Esperanza Farm • Cauca, Colombia

Origin: Cauca, Colombia.
Harvest: November 2023.
Variety: Castillo.
Process: Natural.
Altitude: 1850 m.a.s.l.

Balanced yet Vibrant. Chocolate meets red fruits.

Towards the end of the year, when coffee harvests in both the northern and southern hemispheres have concluded, we head to the equator, where harvesting occurs year-round. This month's coffee comes from Robinson Rivera's farm in Cauca, Colombia, strategically located at an elevation of 1850 meters.

Robinson was once a traveling coffee collector. A few years ago, he decided to change his future by taking courses in coffee production. He returned to the family farm and began to improve both the quality and price of his coffee. Today, we present his signature natural process Castillo, fermented for 2 days before being dried in a silo and subsequently on a sunbed. We cup a balanced coffee, with the fragrance of cocoa, red fruits, and a very smooth body.

Roasted by Deiner Rodriguez, in Cali, Colombia.